Leader: Keith Hill; Leader Assist: Steve Dougherty; Assistant: Mike Niemeyer, Scott Kelley; Climbers: Linda Bedard; Robyn Smith; Gregory Phillips; Jeff Howell; Jon Ellis; Craig Siler; Greg Tedrow; Jeremy Sloan
Prospectus (From Keith Hill): Route/distance/elevation gain: Pole Creek/ Hayden Glacier/North Ridge ~ 13.6 miles rt./~ 5100 feet gain (Summit Elevation: 10047’.) Difficulty: Snow approach and glacier climb to 40 degrees. Expect consistent snow travel above 5800’
Prospectus (From Keith Hill): Route/distance/elevation gain: Pole Creek/ Hayden Glacier/North Ridge ~ 13.6 miles rt./~ 5100 feet gain (Summit Elevation: 10047’.) Difficulty: Snow approach and glacier climb to 40 degrees. Expect consistent snow travel above 5800’
Emergency Contact Information: 911; Central Oregon Emergency Dispatch Center 541-416-6800; Deschutes National Forest, Sisters Ranger District: 541-549-7700.

Route: Sign in and depart from Pole Creek Trailhead (5200’). Following the Pole Creek Trail, hike 1.4 miles to the Green Lakes Trail (5840’). Turn South for 1.6 miles to the Chambers Lake trail (5740’), and turn Southwest on the Chambers Lake Trail for approximately 1.8 miles (6280’).

We will then follow the Moraine west to the saddle just below the North ridge, then continuing up the ridge, arriving at the Summit around 10:30 am (10047’).

After a half hour photo shoot, we will retraced our steps back to camp where we will relax and casually break camp for a 2:00 pm departure.
Leader Keith Hill entices us to the dark side...

(This group Summit picture from Jeff Howell)
We arrive back at our cars around 4:30 pm and meet in Sisters for dinner and to hand out Climb certificates before we join the mad throngs heading home after the long weekend.

After a half hour photo shoot, we will retraced our steps back to camp where we will relax and casually break camp for a 2:00 pm departure.

(This group Summit picture from Jeff Howell)
We arrive back at our cars around 4:30 pm and meet in Sisters for dinner and to hand out Climb certificates before we join the mad throngs heading home after the long weekend.
Waypoints (UTM NAD27 Conus)
- CLICK ON MAP TO ENLARGE001 Trailhead, N44 11.263 W121 41.991, 5297 ft
002, N44 10.950 W121 42.244, 5528 ft
Jct, N44 10.288 W121 42.463, 5861 ft
003, N44 09.800 W121 42.348, 5707 ft
004, N44 09.364 W121 43.296, 5988 ft
005, N44 09.355 W121 43.453, 6079 ft
006, N44 09.353 W121 43.911, 6298 ft
007, N44 09.292 W121 44.559, 6635 ft
008, N44 09.177 W121 44.718, 6736 ft
009, N44 09.043 W121 44.719, 6763 ft
Camp, N44 09.041 W121 44.712, 6780 ft
010, N44 09.077 W121 45.423, 7243 ft
011, N44 09.078 W121 45.423, 7246 ft
012, N44 09.078 W121 45.422, 7245 ft
013, N44 09.164 W121 46.121, 8137 ft
014, N44 09.232 W121 46.867, 9027 ft
015, N44 09.021 W121 46.974, 9736 ft
016, N44 08.938 W121 46.964, 10010 ft
017 Summit, N44 09.340 W121 44.161, 10,047
002, N44 10.950 W121 42.244, 5528 ft
Jct, N44 10.288 W121 42.463, 5861 ft
003, N44 09.800 W121 42.348, 5707 ft
004, N44 09.364 W121 43.296, 5988 ft
005, N44 09.355 W121 43.453, 6079 ft
006, N44 09.353 W121 43.911, 6298 ft
007, N44 09.292 W121 44.559, 6635 ft
008, N44 09.177 W121 44.718, 6736 ft
009, N44 09.043 W121 44.719, 6763 ft
Camp, N44 09.041 W121 44.712, 6780 ft
010, N44 09.077 W121 45.423, 7243 ft
011, N44 09.078 W121 45.423, 7246 ft
012, N44 09.078 W121 45.422, 7245 ft
013, N44 09.164 W121 46.121, 8137 ft
014, N44 09.232 W121 46.867, 9027 ft
015, N44 09.021 W121 46.974, 9736 ft
016, N44 08.938 W121 46.964, 10010 ft
017 Summit, N44 09.340 W121 44.161, 10,047