Nesmith Point Conditioning Hike August 26th, 2007

I lead a Chemeketan club hike on Sunday, August 26th with hikers Jim Collins, Molly Sternbacker, Julius Dalzell, and Collin Caulkins. This was a beautiful but challenging hike of 9.8 miles and about 3,800 elevation gain under overcast skies. We will met Sunday morning at 8 am at the North Fred Meyer parking lot in Keizer got to the trailhead at 9:30 am and reached the Point at about 12:45. After lunch, limited views and a long downhill we returned to the cars at 2:50 pm - not a bad pace

Description - This is a favorite early spring conditioning hike. Nesmith Point, the highest point along the cliffs lining the gorge, is free of snow by April. It offers a steep climb, switch backing through a spectacular box canyon, with views of Beacon Rock and Mount Adams. After 0.9 mile, turn left at the intersection with Gorge Trail # 400 and climb steeply up the canyon for 2.4 miles to the ridge. At the plateau, continue to climb gradually for 1.3 miles to an old road leading to the summit the former site of a fire lookout tower.

Getting There: Eastbound I-84 – Take Historic Columbia River Highway Ainsworth State Park exit # 35. Turn left towards Warrendale, then turn right onto Frontage Road. Continue east 2.3 miles to the parking area at John B. Yeon State Park.

Helpful websites for this hike: