Cancelled - Weather will be too warm this weekend. (80 degrees is great for backyard barbecues but not so much for steep snow.)
On Saturday May 11th, 2013 I'll be coordinating a Snow Skills Clinic on Mt Hood. This is an opportunity for climbers of all levels to test and improve their fitness and add to their snow climbing skills. Depending on the group’s experience and the snow conditions these skills may include: use of the ice axe on steep snow; crampon technique; "hanging" belays, building and belaying off of snow anchors; Intro to avalanche assessment (e.g., snow pits); or z-pulley (rescue). Since this is a training exercise and we are not venturing too far off the Palmer snowfield this trip will still go in less than perfect weather. (I'll post a no-go notice to this website if weather is truly awful.)
We will be getting into steep snow conditions for this outing. Ice axe, harness, helmet and crampons (fitted to your boots ahead of time) are required. Crampoon compatible boots and gators. Sunglasses are mandatory. I recommend that you pack as you would for a Mt Hood Climb. this will be a good chance to test your gear and food/water options out. Prussik cords and pulleys will be helpful if you have them. Please have your gear together and be prepared to carry some group gear (ropes, shovels, etc.) Its best to have a larger pack and have some external straps for lasing down a rope and strapping on an ice axe (i.e., don't come with a small textbook type daypack. I've got nothing against Care Bears but their equipment line rarely includes ice axe loops.) We will be getting into the snow so a waterproof outer shell layer is important and an extra set of gloves to swap out when your first pair gets wet.See Gear List #4. (Don't buy expensive gear. Borrow it from other climbers or rent from REI. ) Bring plenty of water (at least 2-3 liters) and food as we won't be returning to the cars during the day.
We will be somewhere along the south side climbing route and on East edge of the Palmer snowfield...where ever we can find some steep, suitable terrain.
We will be somewhere along the south side climbing route and on East edge of the Palmer snowfield...where ever we can find some steep, suitable terrain.
We will meet up to carpool at the Chemeketa Campus lot in Brooks at 4910 Brooklake Rd. NE
Brooks, Oregon 97305 on Saturday morning May 11th at 6:30 am. (Take exit 263 toward Brooks. Turn right onto Brooklake Rd NE and go about 1/2 mile, enter between Campus building and Fire Station and park in the back of the main Campus building)
We will assemble at the end of the "climbers" parking lot (below the main lot and the same place we park for climb school) at 8:30 am, distribute and load up pickets and ropes and head out. Please have your gear organized ahead of time so we can push off quickly while snow conditions are still firm. If you have a FRS radio (i.e. Motorola family band) please bring it. We will be using Channel 10 Code 5.
This will be a full day activity. I expect we will be wrapping up and back to the Timberline parking lot about 3 pm or so.
Roster (Note - if you asked to be in this class but don't show up on the roster shoot me an email as it was likely an error)
- Mike Niemeyer (leader)
- Bryan Snapp (leader)
- Mike Pennington (assistant)
- Mike Gurley (assistant)
- Mason Smith (assistant)
- Ryan Orr
- Mark Olson
- Erin Dubuc
- Megan Hogland
- Ray Jaindl
- Lance Solis
- Brittany Kenison
- Philip Gray
- Travis Smith