Elevation: 2,300
Permitted Uses: Hiking, Biking
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
Season: Year around for hiking
Seasonal Closures: None
Trailhead Facilities: Toilets
How to get there: Two miles west of Hwy 34 to Hwy 20 junction in Philomath, turn off of Hwy 20 on to Woods Creek Road. Travel 7.5 miles up Woods Creek Road to the closed Forest Service gate. Trail crosses the road just inside the gate. The trail extends uphill to the top of Mary’s Peak and downhill to the Old Peak Road Junction.
From Ellen Gradison: "...I wasn't sure if you had been on Mary's Peak recently. The road is fine. There are a few climb overs and unders on the North Ridge to the Tie trail. The Tie trail currently is great practice for wild and wooly north cascade hikes. Narrow, with some exposure, and no level trail left in short spots The East trail has only a handful of areas of downed trees that are fairly easy to navigate. Up high the Meadow trail is in great shape. There's still snow fairly well scattered about enough that 2 of my dogs went glissading last week. "
See hike details at http://cascadeadventures.net/
Leader: Steve Dougherty 503-566-8899 stevedougherty@comcast.net
Assistant: Mike Niemeyer 503-910-9726 mwniemeyer@verizon.net
Assistant: Gregory Phillips 503-931-1983 gregoryallenp@hotmail.com
Assistant: Mike Niemeyer 503-910-9726 mwniemeyer@verizon.net
Assistant: Gregory Phillips 503-931-1983 gregoryallenp@hotmail.com
Sun. 4/22 5:00 AM - Optional - Only for persons wishing to car pool. Depart State Motor Pool Park and Ride on Airport Rd. between State St. and Mission Ave.
6:15 AM - Arrive at Woods Creek Trailhead (see driving directions)
6:30 AM - Begin hiking up the North Ridge Trail #1350 with 30 pound pack (1800’).
8:30 AM - Begin arriving on summit (4097').
9:00 AM - Begin departing summit.
11:00 AM - Begin arriving back at trailhead.
12:30 PM - Arrive back in Salem.
6:15 AM - Arrive at Woods Creek Trailhead (see driving directions)
6:30 AM - Begin hiking up the North Ridge Trail #1350 with 30 pound pack (1800’).
8:30 AM - Begin arriving on summit (4097').
9:00 AM - Begin departing summit.
11:00 AM - Begin arriving back at trailhead.
12:30 PM - Arrive back in Salem.