We attempted Mt Hood via Leuthold Coulier but stopped at illumination saddle due to avalanche conditions. We had wild temperature extremes from very cold and windy when we started to short-sleeve shirt weather on the return. Progress was also slowed by having to post-hole through loose snow. Scott broke trail and carried the rope!
Leader: Scott Phillips
Climbers: Mike McHugh; Sue Nelson; Greg Phillips;
Mike Niemeyer

Our planned Route: Our climb will start at Timberline Lodge and after a one mile hike, the first rest break will be at Silcox Hut (7,000’). After another mile and reaching the top of Palmer ski lift (8,600’) we will take another break. From there we head to Illumination Saddle (9,300’) and rope up. We will descend onto the Reid glacier and traverse to the bottom of the Leuthold where we might start to get some ice fall from the Leuthold. Without taking a break there we will head up the coulior through the Hourglass and to the Queens Chair (10,500’). Here we will take a deservedly longer break and then continue up to the ridge and on to the summit (11,239’). We will descend the South side, probably the Old Chute.
Time: 10-12 hours
I will be carrying my SPOT beacon, cell phone and GPS along with the usual gear.
12:00 midnight Leave from State Motor Pool
2:00 am Meet at Rest Area at Government Camp
2:30 am Meet at Climbers Registry
3:00 am Start Climb
10:00 am Summit
10:15 am Depart from Summit
3:00 pm Return to parking lot. Head back to Salem
5:30 pm Arrive in Salem
topo from http://www.matthewweaver.com/mountaineering/mthood0302/climbingroute.html
Leader: Scott Phillips
Climbers: Mike McHugh; Sue Nelson; Greg Phillips;
Mike Niemeyer

Time: 10-12 hours
I will be carrying my SPOT beacon, cell phone and GPS along with the usual gear.
12:00 midnight Leave from State Motor Pool
2:00 am Meet at Rest Area at Government Camp
2:30 am Meet at Climbers Registry
3:00 am Start Climb
10:00 am Summit
10:15 am Depart from Summit
3:00 pm Return to parking lot. Head back to Salem
5:30 pm Arrive in Salem

topo from http://www.matthewweaver.com/mountaineering/mthood0302/climbingroute.html
-Unit Number: 0-7352032 Latitude: 45.3585 Longitude: -121.7055 Nearest Town from unit Location: Unknown Distance to the nearest town: Unknown Time in GMT the message was sent: 03/02/2008 15:38:47
-Unit Number: 0-7352032
Latitude: 45.3523
Longitude: -121.7083
Nearest Town from unit Location: Unknown Distance to the nearest town: Unknown Time in GMT the message was sent: 03/02/2008 14:39:17
Latitude: 45.3523
Longitude: -121.7083
Nearest Town from unit Location: Unknown Distance to the nearest town: Unknown Time in GMT the message was sent: 03/02/2008 14:39:17
-Latitude: 45.3444
Longitude: -121.7094
Nearest Town from unit Location: Unknown Distance to the nearest town: Unknown Time in GMT the message was sent: 03/02/2008 13:32:48
Longitude: -121.7094
Nearest Town from unit Location: Unknown Distance to the nearest town: Unknown Time in GMT the message was sent: 03/02/2008 13:32:48
-Unit Number: 0-7352032
Latitude: 45.3304
Longitude: -121.7084
Nearest Town from unit Location: Government Camp, United States Distance to the nearest town: 5 km(s) Time in GMT the message was sent: 03/02/2008 11:43:30
Latitude: 45.3304
Longitude: -121.7084
Nearest Town from unit Location: Government Camp, United States Distance to the nearest town: 5 km(s) Time in GMT the message was sent: 03/02/2008 11:43:30