Easter sunrise service on the summit of South Sister? With the road to Mt St Helens under snow I've schedule a South Sister climb for the March 22-23 weekend. (Thank you to Keith Hill for being the leader assist on this.) I'll monitor the weather and make a go or no-go call no later than Thursday evening. I'll be checking in with everyone by phone on Tuesday evening, March 18th to see where we are at with carpooling and tent/stove sharing.
- Mike Niemeyer (leader) 503-910-9726
- Keith Hill (leader assist)
- Linda Bedard (climb assistant)
- Matt Tryon
- Rebecca Tryon
- Jeff Howell
Participant responsibility: It is each participant's responsibility to be in good physical shape and have the skills and equipment (see below) to participate safely in this climb. A club release will be circulated at the trailhead for each participant to sign.
Required personal equipment: Ten or so essentials (map, compass, GPS if you have one, food, water, first aid, whistle, sunscreen, matches, fire starter, headlamp with extra batteries, emergency blanket or plastic mattress bag, knife.)
- Glacier glasses or wrap around sun glasses
- 2 liters water
- Food – one breakfast, one dinner, two lunches, snacks
- Stove, fuel and cookset (with extra fuel for melting water)
- Waterproof jacket and pants
- Layered clothing (no cotton), extra socks
- Gloves, mittens, over mitts if you have them, wool or fleece cap and balaclava
- Sit Pad
- Trekking Poles (recommended)
- Snowshoes
- 4 Season Tent/Snow anchors
- Snow Shovel (one per tent)
- Sleeping pad (Full length)
- Sleeping bag rated 20 degrees or below
- Warm, insulated waterproof boots or plastic boots
- Crampons that fit your boots (that you have fitted ahead of time)
- Gaiters
- Ice Axe
- Helmet
Local Emergency Contacts: If the party is overdue my local (Salem area) contact is Jackie Niemeyer 503-930-8782. She will communicate with the participant's families in the event of an accident.
Additional Information: Trail Conditions and Winter Conditions
Hiking trail map from Sullivans "100 Hikes in the Central Oregon Cascades (Paperback)"