Leaving the trailhead a little after 7 am we enjoyed beautiful sunrise colors with fog swirling over Big lake and Mt Washington in the background. four or five miles later, as we cleared treeline and ascended the North ridge, we could see other teams already on the mountain. Arriving at the "notch" we geared up and waited briefly as a team of 7 ascended (an informal group of Mazamas with some ICS and BCEP students) the first pitch before us. We moved into the que and set up the first belay station as yet another team rappelled down the same route. Overall, all teams were courteousy and navigated around each other OK, but rockfall from climbers above and below was a constant concern. We also noted that every team took a different route on the first pitch, all of which appeared to go fine. We eventually topped out on the summit at which point Bryon Snapp broke out a lazer light saber (photo below-click to enlarge). In the background you can see John Petrie trying to talk him down.

By mixing some strong animal sedatives with chocolate we were able to get Bryon down. We descended the entire route in three rappels. Below, Mark on the second rappel, you can see Bryon below and to his left.

The rest of these pictures were taken on the hike out. We had very clear weather and great views all day.

This is a relatively easy rock climb but requires climbers to be in good physical shape and comfortable doing rappels with exposure, climbing on a fixed line using a prussik. Its a long (12 hr car-to-car) but fun day.
The Drive:
We are meeting at the Salem K-Mart parking lot (25th and Mission Sts) at 5am, for carpooling, and drive up to the trailhead (see map, courtesy Vince Dunn.) Arrive at the trailhead at 6:45 am and leave the TH at 7:15 am. We will probably be back to the cars about 7:30 pm. Salem about 9:45pm.
Current Mt Washington area weather
Last minute fires to worry about? A good resource is the Inci-web website to see if there are any fires in our climbing area.
Approach (From Steve Doughtery's Website): Follo

Emergency Info:Leader is carrying a cell phone 503-910-9726 and a SPOT rescue beacon. I'll be sending out OK messages during the climb and can send out a 911 if we run into trouble (or come across another party that needs help.) Willamette National Forest Contact Information 57600 McKenzie Hwy McKenzie Bridge, OR 97413 (541) 822-3381. Linn County Sheriff: 541-967-3950. Detroit Ranger District: 503-854-3366
See my July 18th Mt Washinton climb for the full Prospectus and additional details See this link for equipment lists #1 (10 essentials) and #6 (One-day technical rock climb) Please be sure to have a prussik ready and a piece of personal pro (sling girth-hitched on your harness with a biner on the end) ready to go. Rock shoes optional.
SPOT Waypoints from our August 22nd 2009 climb:
-Latitude:44.3776 Longitude:-121.8811 Nearest Location:not known Distance:not known Time:08/22/2009 19:57:16 (US/Pacific) http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=44.3776,-121.8811&ll=44.3776,-121.8811&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
-Latitude:44.3508 Longitude:-121.8654 Nearest Location:not known Distance:not known Time:08/22/2009 18:53:03 (US/Pacific) http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=44.3508,-121.8654&ll=44.3508,-121.8654&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
-Latitude:44.3434 Longitude:-121.8447 Nearest Location:not known Distance:not known Time:08/22/2009 18:11:57 (US/Pacific) http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=44.3434,-121.8447&ll=44.3434,-121.8447&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
-Latitude:44.3363 Longitude:-121.838 Nearest Location:not known Distance:not known Time:08/22/2009 17:17:43 (US/Pacific) http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=44.3363,-121.838&ll=44.3363,-121.838&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
-Latitude:44.3333 Longitude:-121.8382 Nearest Location:not known Distance:not known Time:08/22/2009 16:57:00 (US/Pacific) http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=44.3333,-121.8382&ll=44.3333,-121.8382&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
-Latitude:44.3392 Longitude:-121.84 Nearest Location:not known Distance:not known Time:08/22/2009 10:08:07 (US/Pacific) http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=44.3392,-121.84&ll=44.3392,-121.84&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1 -Latitude:44.3776 Longitude:-121.8807 Nearest Location:not known Distance:not known Time:08/22/2009 07:09:25 (US/Pacific) http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=44.3776,-121.8807&ll=44.3776,-121.8807&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1