We will meet a ranger Brad at the South Falls Lodge at 8:30 am. Carpoolers planning on meeting at the South Salem K-mart parking lot (next to Jack-in-the-Box along Mission street) meet at 7:30 am and leave by 7:45 (Amy Palacios is driving from there in her Suburban). Mike Niemeyer email
This work party will have something for every ability and skill level. The park will supply all needed tools - you need to bring gloves and wear hike/work clothes (i.e. a tuxedo would be inappropriate.) It will be warm so bring plenty to drink, sun protection and your lunch. Bradd will have parking vouchers for you. You will also need to sign a park release form.
The event should wrap up no later than 3:00 pm - leaving some time if you want to explore the park afterwards. Looking for more adventure? The Park will have its annual star party that evening from 9pm to midnight. For details see Star Party.

Besides getting outside in a beautiful place with fun folks this activity also has the benefit of improving park trails, getting the club access to some really great park facilities for future Chemeketan Wilderness first Aid classes (see picture right) and we also get some signage in the State’s most popular park.
Park Trail Map and directions.